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Have you ever imagined yourself as a work of art? And that this work of art is signed by the hand of God? Whether you know it or not, you are that person. Your life is like a canvas in the hands of the Great Painter, from His palette emerge colors that shape who you are. Who are we? Where are we going? Why do we exist? Questions we have often asked ourselves amidst life, trying to define our identity. All the answers are found in one place, and that is in Jesus Christ. Simply, through the narratives of the Bible and brief personal stories, the author will lead us to encounter the great “I Am,” who defines our identity as children of God.

Alejandro Espínola is the husband of Viviana and the father of Melanie, Pablo, and Nicole. They live in Buenos Aires. He is the pastor of the Centro Internacional de Adoración in the city of Luján and the director of the Biblical Institute CCM. In his over thirty years of ministry, he has been a pastor, preacher, evangelist, and teacher of Scriptures.

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